
This component uses dialog element, which is only supported by Chrome and Opera currently. For other browsers, you need to include a polyfill in your code.

If you’re using the Dialog component with a full MDL app, you will also need to set a custom z-index on the Layout to make the Dialog be accessible on top of the dark overlay. A value of 100001 is required for this to work.


Simple Dialog

class Demo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {};
    this.handleOpenDialog = this.handleOpenDialog.bind(this);
    this.handleCloseDialog = this.handleCloseDialog.bind(this);

  handleOpenDialog() {
      openDialog: true

  handleCloseDialog() {
      openDialog: false

  render() {
    return (
        <Button colored onClick={this.handleOpenDialog} raised ripple>Show Dialog</Button>
        <Dialog open={this.state.openDialog}>
          <DialogTitle>Allow data collection?</DialogTitle>
            <p>Allowing us to collect data will let us get you the information you want faster.</p>
            <Button type='button'>Agree</Button>
            <Button type='button' onClick={this.handleCloseDialog}>Disagree</Button>

Dialog with Full Width Actions

class Demo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {};
    this.handleOpenDialog = this.handleOpenDialog.bind(this);
    this.handleCloseDialog = this.handleCloseDialog.bind(this);

  handleOpenDialog() {
      openDialog: true

  handleCloseDialog() {
      openDialog: false

  render() {
    return (
        <Button colored onClick={this.handleOpenDialog} raised ripple>Show Modal</Button>
        <Dialog open={this.state.openDialog}>
          <DialogTitle>Allow this site to collect usage data to improve your experience?</DialogTitle>
            <p>Allowing us to collect data will let us get you the information you want faster.</p>
          <DialogActions fullWidth>
            <Button type='button'>Agree</Button>
            <Button type='button' onClick={this.handleCloseDialog}>Disagree</Button>

Dialog with Cancel Event Handler

{/* Cancel event is emitted when the user clicks "Escape" key while the modal is open.
    It doesn't do anything by default.*/}
class Demo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {};
    this.handleOpenDialog = this.handleOpenDialog.bind(this);
    this.handleCloseDialog = this.handleCloseDialog.bind(this);

  handleOpenDialog() {
      openDialog: true

  handleCloseDialog() {
      openDialog: false

  render() {
    return (
        <Button colored onClick={this.handleOpenDialog} raised ripple>Show Dialog</Button>
        <Dialog open={this.state.openDialog} onCancel={this.handleCloseDialog}>
          <DialogTitle>Allow data collection?</DialogTitle>
            <p>Allowing us to collect data will let us get you the information you want faster.</p>
            <Button type='button'>Agree</Button>
            <Button type='button' onClick={this.handleCloseDialog}>Disagree</Button>


Element Prop Type Effect Remarks
Dialog onCancel Function Defines the handler for the cancel event. (When the user press the “Escape” key) Optional. By default, the default behavior (closing the dialog) is prevented.
Dialog open Boolean Set the open state of the dialog Optional
DialogTitle component String, Element, Function Specify the custom component to use to render the element Optional. Default ‘h4’
DialogActions fullWidth Boolean Apply the full-width effect to all children of dialog actions Optional